Saturday, October 11, 2008

turkey lessons made simple

  • today dear grand daughter and I bought a turkey for our Monday thanksgiving dinner
  • d-gd found a seasoned turkey which she thought was a good idea to buy
  • so we found a plain turkey the same weight and compared prices and also
  • preparation- the seasoned also came with one of those plastic bags that you
  • can cook in plus the seasoning added to the turkey
  • but both preparation instructions were the same
  • the difference was the seasoned turkey cost 38 dollars while the normal
  • cook in a pan and add your own seasonings turkey cost 23 dollars
  • I let her choose after explaining that we would be paying $15. for seasonings and one plastic bag-
  • I was so glad she choose the normal-'' just put into the pan'' turkey and she was able
  • to see why it takes time and some thought to compare before buying
  • when we finished shopping we saved over twenty dollars by thinking before we bought
  • she is a good kid and I pray that one day when she is on her own that these savings today will save her a lot of expense in the future-
  • I am blessed that she wants to take the time with Meme to learn
  • hope to be back soon and remember it is simple to shop and compare as some times the extra is extra :-)

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